Name: Isabel Malina
Major and minors: History of Art (major), French and FGSS (minor)
Hometown: Los Angeles, CA
Fun fact about yourself: I've driven cross-country three times.
How did you decide to minor in FGSS and how does it complement your field of study?
I have always been interested in the subject and really loved all the FGSS classes I took at Cornell. It complements my studies in Art History because it always provides another perspective from which to analyze an artwork or an artist.
What has been your favorite FGSS class?
FGSS 2421: Worlding Sex and Gender
What are your future career and/or educational goals?
I would like to work in an art gallery or auction house and I am thinking about pursuing a masters degree in art history.
What is the best decision you've made at Cornell?
Living with my freshman year roommate - we've been good friends and roommates ever since.
As a senior, what is your most hilarious/embarrassing memory at Cornell?
My freshman year I walked into a biology class thinking it was introductory French.