Amanda Domingues Received Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award

This summer, the Center for Teaching Innovation (CTI) announced Amanda Domingues, FGSS graduate minor and teaching assistant, as the International Recipient of the Cornelia Ye Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award. Amanda taught for FGSS last year and is currently a Teaching Assistant for FGSS 2010: Introduction to Feminist, Gender, and Sexuality Studies.

In the article published by the Cornell Chronicle, it was included that:

For Domingues, “teaching in higher education is inseparable from research and service,” and all three are intrinsic to her dedication to epistemic justice – the practice of ensuring equality of access and credibility to knowledge for all learners and knowledge-sharers.  

“My work across these areas strives to increase epistemic justice, that is, to secure against forms of domination that undermine individuals' capacities to know and to be recognized as credible,” Domingues said.

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Amanda Domingues, doctoral candidate in science and technology studies.
Serge Petchenyi/Cornell University