Juhwan Seo

Ph.D. Candidate in Sociology


Juhwan Seo is a sociologist with training in sociolegal studies, ethnic studies, and queer studies. His research examines how family formation practices—of immigrants and gender and sexual minorities—are shaped by laws, social networks, and cultural norms. Juhwan's dissertation explores post-DOMA queer migration to the U.S. and draws on interviews with same-sex binational couples applying for the marriage-based green card, as well as lawyers who provide guidance. This project has received multiple paper awards from ASA and SSSP. His research has been funded by the National Science Foundation, National Institute of Justice, and Social Science Research Council. Please visit his website for more information.


Law & Society; Gender & Sexuality; Family; Im/migration; Qualitative Methods

Dissertation Committee

Shannon Gleeson (chair), Filiz Garip (co-chair; Princeton University), Matthew Hall, Vida Maralani

Awards and Honors

"Quotidian Homonationalism: Green Card Adjudication, Immigration Law, and Liberal Inclusion of Same-Sex Binational Marriages"

  • ASA Sociology of Sexualities Graduate Student Paper Award
  • ASA Family Section Outstanding Graduate Student Paper Award, Honorable Mention
  • SSSP Family Division Graduate Student Paper Award
  • Robin M. Williams Jr. Best Paper on Race & Ethnicity Award, Department of Sociology, Cornell University 